7 Facebook Algorithm Hacks To Increase Engagement

Facebook Engagement

It is no secret that Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, but what is not so clear is how to actually use Facebook to increase your engagement. Here are the seven Facebook algorithm hacks to increase your engagement and to take your engagement to the next level. if you follow these instructions you will see higher levels of engagement on your Facebook page.

First of all, what is Facebook engagement?

Facebook engagement is an action someone takes on the post. So likes, comments, clicks, shares, video views, and so on will count as an engagement. Now, here are the seven hacks to increasing your Facebook engagement for your business.

1. Boost Your Content

If you want to increase your engagement on Facebook, you are going to have to boost your post. Because the truth is that, there are 2 billion people on Facebook right now and everyone is competing for the same five seconds of attention on the news feed. And, on that news feed, Facebook prioritizes posts with friends and family over business content, which means, even if you have followers on your Facebook business page you are still not going to reach most of them.

If you are starting from absolutely nothing, meaning you have low followers and engagement. Chances are, you are not going to get a lot of attention by just posting great content. The reality is that Facebook is not hunting for content anymore, instead, it is the businesses that are hunting for attention.

But here is the good news:

πŸ‘‰ You don’t need to spend a whole lot of money boosting your posts. Boosting a post with just $5 ends up performing extremely well in terms of engagement and followers.

πŸ‘‰ You actually increase your organic reach by increasing your engagement. So if you boost your post and everyone loves it, Facebook is more likely to show your post to them.

Again, the next time you post, they may love it so much that they decide to share it with their friends and you get a viral spin on your content. So go ahead and save yourself from low engagement by milking the Facebook algorithm by boosting your post.

2. Create Engage Worthy Content

Do you know why your Facebook posts are not engaging that have absolutely nothing to do with your audience, and everything to do with your business? We see this a lot with small businesses, they create Facebook pages and start posting about how cool their business is, and then they realize it’s still just their family and friends that are actually following them.

So that is the problem and here is the solution, Facebook prioritizes posts that spark conversations and meaningful interactions with people. So you need to post content that pertains to the interests and goals of your audience.

If you want to engage them even if that does not directly promote your business. Because remember, you are competing for attention on Facebook first and foremost. Once, you have attention on a consistent basis you can start promoting to your audience to monetize it. But until then you need to post content that grabs people’s attention. You need a hook that piques people’s interest.

You need a message that is authentic and relevant, and you need eye-catching images or videos that make people want to stop scrolling. and digest your content.

3. Get People Talking

Let’s answer these,

πŸ‘‰ Which drink do you prefer? Coke or Pepsi?
πŸ‘‰ How often do you cut your yard? Every two weeks or every month?
πŸ‘‰ What is your favorite social media platform? Facebook or Instagram?

Regardless of your answers to these questions, the point here is that posts that get people talking will increase your engagement on Facebook. Now, notice that these questions are very easy to answer. You can easily pick one of the two options that have been listed here.

This is much different than saying what are you going to drink today or what do you think? These types of questions require more effort and thinking power on your audience’s part which ultimately makes it much easier for them to scroll right past. But by asking questions with simple answers or comparison questions in your content increase your chances of increasing your Facebook engagement.

The trick here is that you also want to be relevant to your audience and business as well. So, a hair salon might do a comparison photo of two different hairstyles and ask their audience which hairstyle is their favorite. A nutritionist might ask their audience if they prefer almonds or peanuts as a snack.

Anyway, the bottom line here is, if you want to increase your Facebook engagement you need to get people talking.

4. Interact With Your Followers

No one likes sending someone a text message and being left on reading. Likewise, you don’t want to leave the people who were engaging with your business on read.
You should interact with them.

Your interactions and responses will contribute to your post overall engagement and it might also encourage further dialogue and discussion leading to more engagement on your Facebook post. So, don’t sit back and say- Oh cool! I got five comments like you are a supermodel and everyone is just so flattered by you.

Get in the game, interact with the people who are engaging with your business and build authentic relationships with your audience.

5. Avoid Fishing For Engagement

Facebook hates posts that ask for engagement, like posts that start with a ‘comment below’ and ‘share this’ simply because you want engagement on your post. Those tricks used to work really well like five years ago. But now is frowned upon after the news feed exploded with these types of messages. So don’t hurt your reach by asking for engagement. Instead, make your content so irresistible that it is hard for people not to hit that like button or engage with your content.

6. Post More Often

How much engagement can you get if you don’t post anything at all? Probably none right well. The same thing applies to your post frequency you are likely to get more engagement from posting five times per week than you would if you post it just one time per week. So, make sure that you are posting frequently and consistently. But, also make sure you are not posting garbage. If you are posting a bunch of bad content it could actually result in you losing followers and engagement. Craft your content carefully and choose a schedule that allows you to do this as consistently as possible.

7. Post Native Content

Why would facebook show your post in the news feed if it takes people off Facebook? Their entire business model is based on people spending as much time on their platform as possible. With that said, you are likely not going to increase your engagement by including links in every single post or promoting your Youtube page. For example, it is already proven that native content performs best in the Facebook algorithm.

Native content is content that is created solely for the purpose of the platform it is consumed on. For example, if you have video content you should upload your video directly into Facebook and share it on facebook’s platform. Doing this will get you far more engagement than simply sharing a link to Youtube taking people off of Facebook and sending them to their biggest competitor.

Likewise, instead of linking to an article in your post take the major takeaways of that article and split it up into a series of social media posts that can be digested on Facebook instead of an external website. Doing this will keep people on Facebook longer and also help you break through their algorithm to increase your engagement.

Here is a bonus hack πŸ‘‰ USE VIDEO

Not everyone may have the means to create videos. But if you do, it is highly recommended to use video. Because Facebook wants to keep people on their platform as long as possible. The longer they can keep you on Facebook the more ads they can share, and the more money they can make.

Videos perform better than any other type of media content on Facebook in terms of engagement. Even if you use animated or stock video clips to supplement your posts, chances are is that it still will outperform other content types in the algorithm as long as your video is engaging. In short, use video as much as possible. And, video marketing is effective for your business.

Those are the seven hacks to breaking through the Facebook algorithm to increase your engagement and the most popular SEO trends in Nepal.

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